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skryvani SMS - smsOrganizer

No1 (74)|15.1.2007 11:26
Stahnul jsem si aplikace viz %subj%, ale nedokazu ji donutit, aby SMS od urciteho uzivatele skryla a soucasne na ne upozornila (jinak nez na ostatni SMS). Samostatne funguji obe funkcionality, ale dohromady ne. Nevi nekdo, jak to nastavit, aby to chodilo nebo nezna nekdo jinou aplikaci, ktera by to dokazala?
Chci, aby kdyz mi prijde SMS od urciteho uzivatele, at se skryje (nebo zakoduje do necitelne podoby), ale upozornine me (zvukem)

Diky, Zdenek
Suoraj (704)|15.1.2007 14:01
nejlepší je zřídit si pro milenku zvlášť číslo ;-)
Duddits (217)|19.1.2007 12:40
Smart SMS 3.171, skryva sms vybranych kontaktu a upozornuje na ne zpusobem,ktery si vyberes,nebo jen hlaskou,kterou si sam nazves - treba "systemova chyba" :yes: :D
No1 (74)|22.1.2007 07:33
Zkusim, diky. Jinak se mi uz povedlo rozbehat %subj%. Jen si nejak neporadi s vyberem jmena z kontaktu - pokud mu zadam cislo, funguje spravne.
Pimoss (53)|31.1.2007 12:43
Nahrál jsem si trial verzi SmartSMS 3.71 ,ale nevím , jak to nastavit. Jaký kod země či regionu to po mě chce apod. Poradí někdo krokový postup? A kde to za české koupil ? Díky moc P.
Duddits (217)|31.1.2007 16:10
kod je +420, koupit se to da na,na domacich strankach maj jen "rozsypanej caj" :D ,aspon by je mohli hodit do anglictiny

1.Copy .CAB file to PPC Phone, then tap it; If you want to install the Today plugin for SmartSMS, you could
install TodayPlugin.PPC2003.CAB/TodayPlugin.PPC2005.CAB;
2.After installation, You must soft-reset your PPC phone;
3.Add the Mobile TelNO. to BlackList to block SMS from this NO.;
4.Add you secret contacts' mobile Telno to RedList, when she/he send SMS to you, the SMS from this NO. would
not be recieved by System's Text Messages. It will enter SmartSMS directly, only SmartSMS could show this
5.You can Set protect level of the MobileNO. in RedList: Low level- both system's Text Messages and SmartSMS
could recieve the SMS from this NO.; High level- just SmartSMS could recieve;
6.In Settings dialog:
-Contry/Region Code, provide your Contry/Region Code, it is helpful for SmartSMS filter the mobile No.;
-RedList SMS incoming notify, check it and provide the SMS Hint, you can input the fake words("system error"...).
when SMS from RedList No. is incoming, a MSN-liked Notify with the fake words will popup form the right and
buttom of screen, then just you know your secret SMS arrived, even someone play with your PPC phone see it,
he/she do not know what it mean;
-vibration, check it, MSN-liked Notify popup and vibrate;
-Accept RedList's SMS only, check it, SmartSMS will block all SMS from Mobile NO. , which are out of RedList;
-Accept Contacts' SMS only, check it, SmartSMS will block all SMS from Mobile No. , which are not your contacts;
7.Support four type password entry:
-Normal password-entry: To show all UI for yourself!
-Backup Password-entry: To show BlackList only. When your mate(wife or husband) find SmartSMS in you PPC phone,
he or she must ask for the password to enter it, in this case, you just offer
Backup password and tell him or her: it's just tool for block some rubbish SMS!
-Backup password+RedList NO.-entery: To show the SMS list form this RedList NO. only. When you have two or more
secret contacts in you RedList and you just be with her/him, she or he ask you show the
SMS from her or him to her or him. In this case, You would not like show other No.'s SMS
in your RedList. Then you could enter SmartSMS with "Backup password + her/his No."!!
-Urgent password-entry: Clear all Redlist NO. automaticly. When someone who know SmartSMS' function find
this program on your device, you can enter with urgent Pwd., it would delete all Redlist NO.,
and then you could explain:"I just use the blackList, no redlist!". Later when you input
these redlist NO., you still could see these NO.'s SMS you recived before!
8.Support three type secret notify:
-Fake notify: You can specify a file(video/audio/picture/word/excel...)or any application in setting dialog,
then when SMS from mobile NO. in RedList come, SmartSMS will call the associated application to
play or open this file/application. For example, you can specify a video file, when your secrete SMS come,
windows media player will play it automaticlly. Then just you know you have new SMS, while others near
you do not know! you also could set each redlist NO., then you could know who's SMS is come.
-Today plug-in cartoon notify: After installation, goto[Settings]->[Today]->[Items], check "SmartSMS". A plug-in
will appear in you today screen, defualt cartoon is "swimming fish", When SMS from mobile NO. in RedList
come, plug-in will change into two cartoon people with fake words(you provide in SMS hint),
tap the left cartoon girl, plug-in switch to defult cartoon!
-MSN-liked notify: when SMS from RedList No. is incoming, a MSN-liked Notify with the fake words will popup form
the right and buttom of screen, then just you know your secret SMS arrived, even someone play with your
PPC phone see it, he/she do not know what it mean!
9.Support SMS PPT: You could slidingshow your secret in full screen mode, It gives you sweet recall!!
10. Support Redlist contact image: You can specify a image to each redlist;
runner111 (75)|31.1.2007 17:10
Zkuste kouknout na Magicall :)
Přesně na tohle ho používám a je bezproblémový. Do spodní lišty vsune ikonku telefonu a pokud ti přijde SMS která nemá být "veřejná" tak na telefonku vidíš vykřičník. Jednoduché a diskrétní. Mám tam nastaveno několik čísel, všechny fungují tak jak mají. Perfektní je to například na upozorněnky na maily, protže ve vestavěném SMS správci musím za den mazat třeba 50 zpráv jednu po druhé, tady je můžu v logu všechny odškrtat a odmáznout.
Duddits (217)|1.2.2007 08:19
Ale asi sms micha mezi ostatni,Smart SMS je separuje uplne
vonmann (52)|1.2.2007 09:37
ja nevim ale me sms organizer funguje naprosto v pohode. pro cislo ktere potrebuju skryt tak nastavim dve udalosti a to skryt a vybrat zvuk. ja mam spis problem v jine veci to to nastaveni nejde nejak zaheslovat? protoze unhide muze provest uplne kdokoliv bez hesla
vonmann (52)|21.2.2007 14:18
mel bych par dalsich dotazu ohledne smsorganizeru. Nevite nekdo kde lze koupit plna verze? zedsoft sice pise ze je to free ale u teto free verze jdou nastavit pouze tri udalosti a za druhe nevi nahodou nekde kde sehnat manual? mam v tom programku par nejasnosti
Lobo_ce4you (514)|26.2.2007 13:03
Psal jsem autorovi, který mi odepsal, že plná verze bude k dispozici za nějaký ten měsíc. Tak si musíme počkat.