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Asus 636 a Upgrade

Easy Rider (22)|27.3.2006 19:33
Snažím se o Upgrade ROM. Stáhl jsem si novou verzi ze stránek Asusu - přímo v instrukcích je napsáno: "Please upzip the downloaded zip file(includes Upgrade Tool.exe and Update.pkg)", ale po rozbalení se mi objeví soubory UpgradeTool.exe a Update.CAP Když zkusím dle instrukcí spustit UpgradeTool a kliknu na "Start Upgrade", objeví se hláška: "Open Upgrade File Error". Neví někdo co s tím ?
motyll (16)|28.3.2006 09:25
Improved or Fixed Items:
1.Fixed a bug that is unable to wake up while the PDA is in idle.

1.Please do not upgrade different language version ROM.
2.It is recommended to format SD card into FAT format.

Please follow the following procedure to upgrade ROM
1.Please connect AC adapter in order to have sufficient power.
2.Please upzip the downloaded zip file(includes Upgrade Tool.exe and Update.pkg) onto SD card's root directory and insert SD card into PDA.
3.Please select “Start-->Program Files-->File Explorer” and choose SD card as current locating device.
4.Please active Upgrade Tool.exe and click “Start Upgrade.” The upgrade process should take approximately 6 minutes. After the upgrade is complete, it will automatically reboot the device.
5. After reboot, please go to “Settings-->System-->System Information-->Version" to verify that the upgrade process is successful.
Easy Rider (22)|28.3.2006 12:49
[QUOTE="Motyll"]Improved or Fixed Items:
1.Fixed a bug that is unable to wake up while the PDA is in idle.

1.Please do not upgrade different language version ROM.
2.It is recommended to format SD card into FAT format.

Please follow the following procedure to upgrade ROM
1.Please connect AC adapter in order to have sufficient power.
2.Please upzip the downloaded zip file(includes Upgrade Tool.exe and Update.pkg) onto SD card's root directory and insert SD card into PDA.
3.Please select “Start-->Program Files-->File Explorer” and choose SD card as current locating device.
4.Please active Upgrade Tool.exe and click “Start Upgrade.” The upgrade process should take approximately 6 minutes. After the upgrade is complete, it will automatically reboot the device.
5. After reboot, please go to “Settings-->System-->System Information-->Version" to verify that the upgrade process is successful.

Toho návodu jsem se přesně držel až po bod 2 "2.Please upzip the downloaded zip file(includes Upgrade Tool.exe and Update.pkg)" - po rozbalení archivu jsem měl na disku 2 soubory, přičemž ten druhý byl Update.CAP, namísto Update.PKG
Surgical (2364)|28.3.2006 17:16
No a funguje to i s tim CAP, vcera dosel Asus 636 pro kamose a prvni, co jsme udelali, jsme ho flashnuli na novou ROM...
myssak_ce4you (38)|28.3.2006 22:49
Muze byt problem v karte s 2 GB Sandisk Ultra II mi to taky neslo, po pouziti 1GB to proslo bez problemu.
tommyblaze (2)|28.3.2006 22:59
Me to spustit z 2GB SanUltra II slo.
Mefisto (231)|28.3.2006 23:42
Zeptam se jinak, co to prineslo noveho do PDA? Jen jestli to ma smysl upgradovat, kdyz zmeny jsou udajni nulove ?